FAQs for Bagri Foundation Arts & Culture funding 2024/25

If your question is not addressed below, please reach out to the team at enquiries@bagrifoundation.org.

What do you mean by Asia?

    • Our core remit overall is to cultivate space for Asian culture to thrive. This includes the entire Asian continent from Turkey to Japan and everywhere in between.
  • The work we support is inspired by ideas and perspectives from and on Asia.

What kind of projects are most likely to be funded?

  • The Trustees are particularly excited by visual arts that promote craft, making, materiality and form; where the hand of the artist is present.

  • Film festivals, with a wide variety of filmmakers represented, remains a preferred project model for cinema.

  • If performance-based, we particularly like interdisciplinary, especially dance or music that combine multiple styles, and we fund theatre and opera rarely.

  • Group exhibitions or retrospectives that bring together broad Asian inspired ideas and concepts, universal themes with strong representation from Asia, or artists who are having their first exhibition in the UK.

  • This list is not exhaustive, and you can see the variety of successful projects and types of art forms funded on our website under ‘Projects’.

I am an individual artist looking to fund my project, can I apply?

We only fund the following types of grantees:
  • Standard registered charities (charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland or the Scottish Charity Regulator) or within Europe.

  • Charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs)

  • Exempt charities (for example major national museums)

  • Community Interest Companies (CICs)

  • Not for Profit Organisations

  • Collectives of creatives who have a track record of delivering arts and cultural projects together

We do not fund individuals.

Our organisation is based outside the UK and Europe. Are we eligible?

  • Our core area of focus is supporting organisations in the UK or Europe at present. Countries outside of these areas are currently by invitation only.

We are looking for funding to finish our research and finalise the project, am I able to apply for funding?

  • We only support projects that have a confirmed public outcome in the UK or Europe at present. We do not fund research and development only.

At what level can we apply? What is a realistic request amount? Do you have match funding requirement?

  • Please note that if successful, the trustees may award less than the amount requested.

  • We consider many factors when looking at the requested amount of funding, including the turnover of the organisation, the size of project you are applying for, and the expected audience and press reach of the project.

  • We would expect to see at least one other confirmed funder before you apply, whether it be core funding, arts or local councils, a host organisation or another private funder. This may be in-kind or cash.

  • If invited to submit a full application, we will expect to be able to assess your fundraising strategy, outlining how you plan to raise enough funds for the project total budget. Please note that realistic income plans will be prioritised for grant consideration, whilst those which are not, will be seen as higher risk and may not be selected.

I do not know exactly which artists will take part in my project, but I have a great idea. Is it possible to apply for funding?

  • We will only fund fully formed projects that have expected public outcomes with reputable partners who have a track record of hosting arts and cultural projects.

  • We expect to see a confirmed list of artists who are contributing with accompanying visuals.

My project features an artist who is from an Asian background, can I apply?

  • Our core remit is to realise unique, high-quality programmes which share traditional and contemporary Asian culture. If the artist is working within this remit, then yes you can apply.

  • We may also support established and mid-career artists from the Asian diaspora who are undertaking a particularly important moment in their career (i.e. participation in a major Biennial, first solo presentation in UK etc.) and who explore universal themes.

We are looking to fund a residency project for an artist. Can I apply?

  • The Foundation does not support residencies, but if an organisation is providing an award or prize where a residency is included and a public facing exhibition is the result, it could be considered.

Can I apply for multiple projects? I have two or more projects which the Foundation may like.

  • As an organisation, you can only apply to each round of funding for one project at a time.

  • Please note that the Foundation is less likely to fund the same organisation twice in one year therefore we encourage organisations to apply with only one project.

  • If you have two or more projects for consideration, we recommend you share succinct project overviews with the team via email first, and we will be in touch directly to advise how best to proceed.

What does the Foundation not fund?

  • Research and development only projects (including projects primarily aimed at professional development or educational training)
  • Production and post-production of films.
  • Capital projects, archival projects and/or digitisation of archives.
  • Collections redisplay, acquisitions or curatorial research only.

After I submit my expression of interest (EOI), how long will it take to be invited to make a fuller application?

  • We aim to get back to the EOIs within two weeks.

How long will I have to make a fuller application?

  • Once you have been invited to submit a full application, you will have one month to complete it.
  • Note that the team will be on hand to support you in your stage 2 application form and provide advice and guidance. More details will be sent in an email if you are successful.

My project starts within three months of the closing date of this round of funding. Can I still apply?

  • We expect projects in each round of funding to begin no sooner than six months from the closing date for Stage 2 applications.

Can I see the questions on the EOI and application form before the round opens?

  • Yes, please download the application questions here from the Funding page, but note that we will not accept emailed submissions, as you must use the online Google Form for your application.

Copyright © 2024 Bagri Foundation. UK Reg Charity No: 1000219 Company Registered in England and Wales: No. 2530127